Friday, September 15, 2006


Basically, the little I have already read of Brian Weiss’s reacherches and works, confirms and profunds, in more cientific basis, apart animals reincarnating in people and these in animals, several of budist teachings.
In his last book (2005? in Portugal), even are progressions made. In one of them the world is seen from here to a thousand years on: relatively less population; forbidden area in meaddle east; paradise.
Budism speaks of Buddhas’ world, a world of perfect spirits, some ones more perfect than other ones, who excepcionally reincarnate, namely because of compation, but who appears to be an intangible, not much desirable world. It is not so with Brian Weiss; in him and Catherine, catholic, there is direct contact with the spirits masters, who shall be the occidental buddhas, who teach. It seems also clear that this contact can and must be profunded.
To love, love, love friendly and unfriendly people is the teaching of Christ, Yeuda Berg, Brain Weiss and others. But, the Buddha’s teaching is: to love, love, love all sensitive beeings. And, to love is to give well beeing, happiness and pleasure, not pain!
According the teachings through of and of B.W., in each life we come with a certain plan to fulfill (I give thanks to God for the plan to my father, Artur Maurício Machuqueira, already passed away, which included, in many good things and others less good things, and who was disappointed by me one or two times, my present life), and, normally, we only die (death has not to be obligely painfully) afther his fullfilement.
From the 86 lives which Chaterine lived – in both sexes, according Taoism, not like the Dalai Lamas, who seem to reincarnate always men, althougt they estimate more mothers than fathers – going against the criticism which says that people who believe they reincarnated, reincarnated always in important persons, that is not the same as happy persons, almost of them were poor and difficult ones. In the meanwhile, her lives between reincarnations, were normally caracterized by the the pleasure of peace.
In what respects war, is like crime, incompetance and ignorance: never compensate!


“ A sorte/azar é a consequência de acções cometidas seja numa vida passada, seja num período anterior da nossa actual vida”;
“ Quando se estabelece a relação entre a causa e o efeito, deixa de haver necessidade de polícia para nos obrigar à vigilância, bastando a consciência”;
“As situações dependem mais do nosso estado de espírito do que das condições materiais”;
“O universo\terra\ambiente onde vivemos foi/é criado pelos nossos próprios desejos e actos”.
(in pgs: 146, 147 e 148 do Livro: “Samsara”, da Asa, 6ª edição, 2002):


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